I would like to start this post by saying that I have no affiliation with Google whatsoever.
Sean convinced me recently to try out Google Apps (which you can do for free) to migrate a domain to it. Because I have many, i decided to go for frlinux.eu. I then signed up on Google Apps (which requests a valid email address to be the Administrator of the domain). Following a quick tutorial, you can migrate your www, mail and other applications straight onto the Google clo^[ web 🙂
After almost a week, I have to say I am fairly pleased with the whole migration, i get now more automated tools that I can use, all administered by someone else (bar my DNS which I like to keep on administering myself). On that note, you will need to validate your domain with Google before starting the migration, and yes, you need to add CNAMEs for the applications you want to use.
Have fun 🙂