So imagine my surprise when a friend gave me a link to my current hoster and got me to find a nice server with twice the amount of RAM, twice the hard disk space, bigger CPUs for 5 euros less per month 🙂
And this is how you are now reading this on the new server! I took the opportunity to migrate from Debian 7.0 to FreeBSD 9.1 since I wanted to go back to FreeBSD for a while.
Loving the speed and glad to BSD a bit more! Hoping I can post more than I did over the last few months.
FreeBSD behemoth 9.1-RELEASE-p4 FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE-p4 #0: Mon Jun 17 11:42:37 UTC 2013
Seems to work fine alright!
Summer is a good time for a nice little migration 🙂
Yeah it does, got some problem with the smokeping slaves but apart from that, the whole setup was a breeze to migrate 🙂