I posted a review of the Tado back in March and thought I would re-visit it after over 6 months of using it.
I would like to start with an important disclaimer. Never assume that the wiring is right if you moved into a place and are not quite confident with electricity. Back then I based my wiring on the existing one that was done for the timer. Turns out that it was incorrect. This is why when in summer time, Tado brought the water schedule functionality, it did not work for me. A friend came by to look at the wiring and figured out what was wrong. Thinking back, I got quite lucky that i managed to get the heating working. So long story short, a second set of eyes that actually understand electricity: good! Thanks Glen 🙂
Tado got out a new model with display now, which is not the model I have, just in case you stepped on this from a search and wonder what is coming next.
Tado completely rewrote the web interface and also the phone apps. I got to say, it is very welcome as the previous web interface was a bit clunky. The phone app was also in need of cleanup, just for speed alone. I am glad to report all additions actually helped.
Re-visiting what I think of the Tado, it has been a very good investment. Now that the wiring is fixed, I have thermostat as before but also water schedule when i want to, this is really cool for when the warm days will come back. I have advised a few friends to go for Tado and as far as I know, no one has been disappointed yet. Disclaimer: I am not paid by Tado to write this, I am just very enthusiastic about this device.